The Ultimate Holiday Packing List: Holiday Essentials for Your Trip

Packing for holiday can be a nightmare, especially when you’re not sure what things to take and how it’s all going to fit in your luggage.

This ultimate holiday packing checklist will help you decide what you need to take with you. 

Holiday Essentials: Luggage


Whether you’re more of a rolling suitcase or backpack kind of traveller, your choice of luggage is one of the most important holiday essentials to consider.

Packing Cubes

They are usually light, fabric bags to separate your belongings into sections so that you know where everything is once it’s packed into your luggage.

Holiday Essentials: Clothes


Don’t overpack. That may be the biggest challenge when thinking about things to take on holiday and clothing is usually the main culprit for this.


Depending on the time of year and the weather at the destination you plan to go, you’ll need to seriously consider your warm clothing items. They can also take up a bit of room so thinking about quality is essential.

Holiday Essentials: Footwear


Footwear is where you have to be most ruthless on your holiday packing list as they take up a lot of room in your luggage but also can make or break your trip.

Comfortable trainers/hiking shoes

For all that walking around in new cities or perhaps hitting a trail in a National Park, you’ll need a good pair of comfortable walking shoes.

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